Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What is Copyleft Calendar 2007

2007 Copyleft Calendar

Internet and the new digital era are making artists to realize that they really need to adapt themselves to the new technologies and to what a everyday more informed and mature society is demanding.

The old business model based upon shortage and copyright (all rights reserved) is no longer the ideal for the new context we are dealing with, therefore the new licenses together with the new distribution and promotion ways must replace the old and useless manners witch are proven totally ineffective.

Free licenses, known as copyleft (some rights reserved) are more respectful with the audience rights to access the culture and adds the necessary interactivity that favours the diffusion of the works, aswell as the perpetuation of them in time and their evolution in the Internet. Also this licenses are proved as more effective to protect the rights of the artists, guaranteeing their authorship all the time, favouring them to be known and fairly remunerated.

For this reason a group of amateur and professional photographers have decided to start a copylef calendar proyect based on Creative Commons licenses (http://creativecommons.org), that we hope will help to release a little bit more the best alternative to current copyright model.

The calendar consists in 12 photographs of nude and semi-nude women, one for month, plus one more for the cover as presentation. All pictures carry their stablished license, aswel as the authors's names and web directions to be able to achieve more information about them. Also, on each page of the calendar, there is the web direction http://www.copyleftcalendar.com witch can be visited to find more useful information about the proyect, interesting links and sponsors.

The calendar is made available and free of charge as a pps presentation, as pdf and also as individual images.

As we said, each picture has it's own license, but the whole calendar is licensed (cc) by-nc-nd copyleftcalendar.com by Ningunterra.com productions. Nevertheless it is expressly permited to publish this calendar on webpages that have advertisements that mightr eport benefits. Any commercial use of the calendar will be negotiated with the artists involved in the proyect.


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